Monday, September 6, 2010

Kindergarten Eve

I had such a great time with you all on Thursday! It was so good to spend a few minutes each with most (not all) of my students. I feel like I have a pretty good head start on tomorrow. And I enjoyed hearing from many of you that your child is looking forward to kindergarten with a little less anxiety.

Thursday would not have worked nearly so well for me if not for Ruby Kocher, Summer’s mom, who worked along side my daughter and me getting everything in order for the children. Special thanks to Tanner, Summer’s brother and my former student, who organized the Legos.

Here are some notes to help you navigate tomorrow:

When you come in, there will be a place for lunches over the cubbies. The children will choose where to put their cubbie in the shelves. They will also be asked to make a nametag. If they arrive early, they may play outside, but not in the classroom. I don’t want them to get started in play and be interrupted when it’s time to come to group. As close to 8:30 as possible, I will welcome the children to the circle, where we will have a group time focused on learning some basic things about our class. After that, I will release them to the centers: art, math and language arts.

You are welcome to stay for as much of the morning as you think will help your child feel comfortable and will support their growing independence. You should let your child know the plan before you come to school, (i.e., “I am going to stay until you go to centers,” or “until you sit down for group.”) Make sure you tell them exactly when and where they will see you again, and how fun it will be for you to hear how their day went. If you need to leave and are having trouble with separating, please let me know. If you stay, I will likely put you to work.

If you would like an update as to how your child is doing, you may call the office and Joan will come and check in with me and let you know.

Please email me with any questions about tomorrow. Beginnings are so important, and I am looking forward to a great one!


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